Friday, January 9, 2009

The sun

A magnificent sunset...MasyaAllah

The sun - our star - has always captivated me. It shouldn't be that much of a surprise seeing as it dominates the day sky, and produces some of the most awe inspiring sights such as the picture above.

Of course, because it is so much a normal part of our everyday lives - rising in the morning, blistering hot in the afternoon and setting in the evening - we sometimes take it for granted. Most of us probably don't even notice its presence above us for all its size and brightness, let alone ponder about its magnificence. Like the fact that it's the light source that's lighting up half the Earth (compare that to our nights, even in the most bustling cities in the world. That's bullying that is).

I also have some valuable memories with the sun. You may read about it in my life's diary . I also have a passion for astronomy. Anyway, this is why although this blog is called 'Hafizh's Continuous Medical Education', I've decided to start it of by writing about the sun.

I hope that the articles will be of benefit to everyone.

May our faith be strengthened by pondering about this one of many of Allahs creations:

"Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding"

[Surah aali-Imran 3 : 190]

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